Audience: Young Adults, ages 18-25

Responsibilities: Literature Research, Learner Analysis, Action Research Study, Instructional Design, Needs Analysis, Storyboarding, Visual Design, Mockups, eLearning Development

Tools Used: Adobe Captivate, Mindmeister, Microsoft Powerpoint, Google Sheets, Google Docs

Financial Literacy for Young Adults

This learning module teaches the young adult learner (18-25) financial literacy skills as they enter adulthood, with many of them leaving home for the first time. The course is interactive, and the learner demonstrates understanding by completing a pre and post assessment to determine growth.

Process: This project originated as the capstone for my masters degree in Instructional Design.  It began by completing a needs analysis by conducting a literature review. Once the needs analysis was complete, action research was developed.

Action research was performed to analyze the problem and identify solutions that would challenge the learners while they practice the learned the financial literacy skills. A study of participants was conducted to determine the effectiveness of the learning module. The quantitative data was analyzed and it was determined that the learning module was effective in meeting the learning objective. 

This learning module would be best if paired with a hands-on templates so that participants have the ability to practice the skill by applying their budget, income, etc into the lessons.

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